How to Cultivate Gratefulness in Life through Practice and Asana
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

How to Cultivate Gratefulness in Life through Practice and Asana

Gratitude is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “a strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what the person has done to help you.” In other words, being thankful for something that you received whether tangible or intangible.

Having a grateful heart promotes positive emotions and also affects your general well-being. Psychology tells us that gratitude is also a change of perspective. When you have a grateful heart, you always see the good sides of things, even if the outcomes are not always favorable to you.

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Achieve Clarity and Practice Truthfulness this Nov 8th Election
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

Achieve Clarity and Practice Truthfulness this Nov 8th Election

The universe makes the events of life both so formidable and so exhilarating.

When you look at the monthly astrology charts, you will be amazed by the planetary transits, the lunar phases, and the shifts in zodiac signs. The movements of these celestial bodies can influence every aspect of our existence.

This November 8th is no exception. You can expect three major astrological events to be mindful of.

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How to Do Deep Belly Breathing For Agitated Minds
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

How to Do Deep Belly Breathing For Agitated Minds

“Come back to our body.”

I was listening to a podcast by Kelly Surtees about self-care tips for managing Mars Retrograde Gemini. She talked about the influence of Mars Retrograde on our minds. Overthinking and buzzy minds are just one of the many effects of the planet Mars in the Air sign of Gemini. She referred to this as “agitated mental energy.” This mobility of the mind is a classic Vata imbalance. (Check out this post to learn more about the Vata dosha and Ayurveda).

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The Ultimate Guide to Practice Yoga on October’s New Moon
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

The Ultimate Guide to Practice Yoga on October’s New Moon

I was ecstatic about the New Moon. Happening on October 25th at 6:49 AM (ET), the New Moon signifies a reset, new beginnings, and the setting of intentions. It is an opportune time to manifest your intentions for the next month. There’s an energy in the ether, and if you sit still and open your heart to it, you can feel magic. I can’t help but feel the mystery and intrigue that the energy of the moon vibrates.

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Full Moon in Aries: Rituals for Healing and Forgiveness
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

Full Moon in Aries: Rituals for Healing and Forgiveness

The full moon in October goes by many names. In the Native American tradition, this is called Hunter’s moon, otherwise known as the Travel Moon, the Dying Moon, or the Blood Moon. The name Hunter’s moon and Travel moon originated from the practice of Native Americans to travel to hunt. Animals also travel far to gather food in preparation for winter. Furthermore, the name Dying Moon relates to the season of falling and dying of leaves, grass, and trees. During this Full Moon, a reddish glow is seen thus the name Blood Moon.

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Yoga as a Spiritual Practice, Not an Exercise
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

Yoga as a Spiritual Practice, Not an Exercise

I get a lot of questions about the definition of yoga because people are surprised when I tell them that yoga is not an exercise. “Well, what is it then?” they ask me.

Yoga means to “yoke” or “unite” the mind and body.

Not to prove you can master a pose.

Not to lose weight.

Not even to gain flexibility.

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Why We Chant Aum (Om)
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

Why We Chant Aum (Om)

Have you ever wondered what the sound Aum means or why it is chanted during meditation? In order to explain the why, we must first dive into the what. What does Aum mean?

Aum (also sometimes spelled Ohm, or, more commonly in the United States, as Om) is both a Sanskrit word and a sacred sound used in the yogic tradition to convey abstractly the concepts of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. It may also be thought of as reference to God, the Unmanifested Absolute, Cosmic Consciousness, or any higher power the practitioner may believe in.

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My Reading List - Books to Explore Yoga Deeper
Jessica Blackwell Jessica Blackwell

My Reading List - Books to Explore Yoga Deeper

I say it often, but I’d be remiss if I did not say it again. Yoga is not simply a body movement class, and it is certainly not an exercise. Yoga is a subtle science for attaining enlightenment. It is a way of being. It is mental; it is physical; it is emotional; and it is spiritual.

Yoga originated tens of thousands of years in India and South Asia as an oral tradition passed down through the intimate spiritual education taught by a guru to his or her group of students. Its influence has spread far and wide since then, but its principles are still the same.

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What is Yoga?
Yoga Education, Spirituality Jessica Blackwell Yoga Education, Spirituality Jessica Blackwell

What is Yoga?

I get this question all of the time. People from all walks of life, even those who have practiced for a while ask me this question a lot. Because in the West, the term has been mislabeled for so long that it seems like no one knows anymore.

Here is what I can say yoga is not.

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