Full Moon in Aries: Rituals for Healing and Forgiveness

The full moon in October goes by many names. In the Native American tradition, this is called Hunter’s moon, otherwise known as the Travel Moon, the Dying Moon, or the Blood Moon. The name Hunter’s moon and Travel moon originated from the practice of Native Americans to travel to hunt. Animals also travel far to gather food in preparation for winter. Furthermore, the name Dying Moon relates to the season of falling and dying of leaves, grass, and trees. During this Full Moon, a reddish glow can be seen. Thus we get the name, Blood Moon.

Regardless of the names associated with October’s Full Moon, this moon cycle is significant due to the changes it brings whether to your work or personal life. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac which means warrior. Mars is the ruler of this sign and also the ruler of your head. Since it rules the head, you might become prone to headaches, earaches, and migraines.

Aries is also influenced by the asteroid - Chiron. In astrology, Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.” Ironically, this was named after the greek mythology who can’t heal himself. Because Chiron speaks about your profound spiritual wounds. Deep wounds, which are more spiritual than physical, are hard to heal. It takes time and undergoes a long process before you reach the healing stage. 

In conjunction with Aries, Chiron's energy promises healing. But not by force or control. The healing of deep wounds with the help of Aries and Chiron involves surrender. Surrender means acceptance. Opening yourself to infinite possibilities leads to letting go, and forgiveness. Use the warrior spirit of Aries to propel yourself to move in the direction of healing.

I don’t know about you, but for me, forgiveness and compassion can sometimes feel easier to express toward others than toward myself. It’s easy to beat yourself up for mistakes you made or desires that didn’t manifest as you had hoped. And we probably do this to ourselves way too often.

So, how do we heal and forgive ourselves then? I know this may sound so vast coming from me, but I offer that the answer is, at least in part, through yoga, soul-care rituals, and aromatherapy. It is through these kinds of holistic self-care acts that we can show ourselves Ahimsa (non-harm).

We undergo different transformative processes and timelines as we heal. Obviously, it’s not all fairies and fantasy. Healing and forgiveness can be rough and uncomfortable at times. But the most important thing is having the discipline (tapas) and devotion (Bhakti) to your journey in order to endure the growing pains that come with it. And to reflect on the lessons along the way.

As we heal, we go through the process of acceptance, letting go, and ultimately forgiving ourselves. With the Full Moon in Aries, you may be challenged to surrender and let go of all the negative thoughts and emotions you feel in order to facilitate the next step in your healing.

Below I offer a simple ritual that might help you release those negative experiences that mar your spirituality. 

Create and cleanse your sacred space.

Have a dedicated space at home where you can perform the full moon ritual 24 hours after. Use a white sage in cleansing your altar or space.

  • Write a phrase, mantra, or prayer in your journal that you wish to release.

Ask yourself how you are feeling during this Full Moon. Do you feel unbalanced? What makes your thoughts race? Or you can simply write the things which you are grateful for. Set an intention to feel the liberating energy of the Moon.

  • Read the written phrases, mantras, or prayers aloud

Reading your journal also builds the intention by infusing its energy. You have to envision those negative energies gone. 

  • Take time to pause, take deep breaths, and feel the release of negative energies from you. 

After releasing those negativities that obstruct your prana (vital energy), pause for a moment and take a deep breath.


Aside from your past (or present), focus also on your relationship. The position of the Sun in Libra, opposite to the full moon in Aries, and the conjunction of Venus influence your connections. Venus is the planet of law and attraction. One of its astrological signs is Libra, which is about balance. This means that Full Moon in Aries is also about balancing your relationship with your boss, your colleagues, your family, or even your romantic partner. 

As you retrospect your life, review it with compassion. This allows you to see which relationship needs adjustment, or which intimate connection would you like to release. 

The following yoga practices will assist you in achieving balance and harmony in your life.

Meditation and Pranayama (Healing)

Practice mantra in meditation to improve your concentration (Dharana). Mantra helps you focus your attention (through chanting) and quiet a chatty mind. Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Place your hands in the center of your chest, inhale, and lengthen your exhales until you feel more balanced.

Consistent practice of Dharana leads you to Dhyana, a continuous flow of meditation.

  • Asana (Physical posture practice)

    * Goddess Pose

    This is a good asana to help you in developing the strength to balance your energies. Do this pose every day for this month.

    * The Dancer

    Another asana that strengthens your balance and focus is the dancer. When you practice this posture, your energy will gradually increase, helping you combat fatigue and improve your confidence.

    * Warrior III

This yoga pose is an excellent way to improve your concentration, determination, strength, stamina, balance, and memory.


Despite the trauma or negative experiences, life is still beautiful in so many ways. May the Full Moon in Aries help you through your healing process, strengthened by the warrior spirit of Aries, and Libra’s guidance in maintaining your equilibrium.

You can also create space to facilitate your healing by adding essential oils to your bath or ritual. Aries heals with purifying fire to help you create balance by removing what no longer serves you. But you can also use Bergamot essential oils to do the same.

  • Bergamot essential oils can help you alleviate physical discomfort. When you feel emotional and overwhelmed, inhaling the sunny and citrusy scent of bergamot can balance your emotions. This ingredient is available on our Stardust Rollerball, Stardust Body Lotion, and Stardust Body Wash.

In fact, try this Aromatherapy Recipe. 

Blend the ¼ ounce of carrier oil (jojoba or coconut) with the following:

  • 5 drops of chamomile 

  • A few drops of Peppermint (up to 5)

  • 5 drops of Rose

Place 8-10 drops in your bath as part of your cleansing and healing ritual. You can also wear the mixture of those essential oils as an aromatherapeutic fragrance (minty and flowery scent) on your body. 


The Ultimate Guide to Practice Yoga on October’s New Moon


Yoga as a Spiritual Practice, Not an Exercise