A glimpse of the Yoga off the Mat experience.

This masterclass is structured into modules meant to be slow, simple, and build a learning experience. Each module dives deep into one of the 8 limbs of Patanjali’s yoga sutras. Take this opportunity to learn more about practicing yoga as a lifestyle, ask yourself questions to discover insights, and discover practical ways to then take your yoga practice off of the mat — to develop healthy habits that lead to more balance in your life.

The Big Why

Why is it important to learn about yoga philosophy and spirituality? Well, much of what we are exposed to as yoga here in the West has been a watered-down version of the yogic practice in its entirety. Unfortunately, yoga can be added to the long list of practices that have been colonized, repackaged, and sold for consumption as something it is not.

Here, we see yoga labeled as a fitness activity or thought of as an exercise, when it was never intended to be. It was reduced to that by those from whom yoga did not originate. Ironically, yoga is much less a practice of doing as it is of being. That’s why you will always hear me say, “yoga is not something you do.”

The fact is, body posturing is just one small aspect of the practice of yoga. To learn how to do the poses without understanding the real reason why you are doing them would be like discovering a gold mine and only claiming 1/8 of its treasures. Not only would you be missing out on a rich context and culture but on many spiritual benefits of yoga that can further enrich this beautiful yet fleeting human experience.

Here’s what you’re going to get:

This course is designed to teach you the 8 Limbs of Yoga. These 8 limbs form the basis for yoga philosophy, a philosophy that believes that there are actually 8 key practices for embodying the yogic path toward living in harmony and balance. In fact, practicing asanas, or poses, in class actually only counts as 1 of the 8 limbs.


Learn about the first limb of yoga and the five ethical standards of right behavior towards others. You will also get a chance to practice what you have learned through journal prompts and integration activities while taking the course.


Learn how practicing yoga can help you master the moral and ethical principles of Niyamas - the Yama (social restraints) and Niyama (self-disciplines).


Learn about the yoga poses or the posture of the body that facilitates conscious awareness. Mastering asana helps in your meditation practice, which improves your concentration ability integral for spiritual growth.


Learn about the techniques of breath control or life force control. Mastering the fourth limb of yoga is believed to rejuvenate the body that extends the yogis’ life force.


You will learn the fifth limb of yoga, which teaches you how to withdraw your five physical senses inward. The practice of pratyahara allows you to examine your inner self.


You will learn how to concentrate on a single mental object. Mastering Dharana or concentration will greatly improve your meditation.


You will learn the seventh limb of yoga, which is meditation with the ability to still and quiet your mind. Practicing meditation helps you achieve stillness and quietness of the mind, but with awareness.


You will learn the last stage of yoga as a culmination of self-realization, liberation, ecstatic consciousness, and enlightenment.

This course is for you!

  • Beginners

    If you want to try a gentle, simple, and mindful yoga course and learn helpful tools for cultivating more balance and joy in your life, then this course is for you.

  • Nurturing Community

    You want to practice yoga in a safe community that nurtures and encourages your continued growth rather than just mastering aesthetic poses.

  • Deepen Yoga Practice

    You wish to deepen your personal practice by incorporating yoga philosophy into your yoga movement (asana) and meditation practice.

Pre-register for the course now!

Coming Soon: Bundle the Course + Journal

Coming Soon: Yoga Off the Mat Course Journals!